
1. Community Empowerment Programs

We provide community resources/information relevant to the area of needs

We provide virtual educational trainings/programs and broadcasts via our social media platforms (YouTube, Facebook, etc.)

We provide support for the Vocational Trainings, Small Businesses, Needy Students etc.

We provide community events including Free Back-to-School Drive, Free Thanksgiving Turkey Distributions, Free Christmas Toys Distributions etc.

We provide support for Community Health Fairs.

We provide humanitarian relief, teach underprivileged individuals about sustainability, and how to achieve it.

2. Community Food Bank/Pantries

 – To provide community feeding programs such as quarterly/bi-annual community free foods/grocery distribution to the needy and less privileged in the Gwinnett County and neighboring/surrounding counties.

– Engage in Mobile Food Pantries in the future as a mean of reaching and delivering free foods/groceries to those are in need, but do not have the means of coming to the local food bank. This will allow us to support homeless families and teens, youth aged out of foster care in our communities.

– Donating to disaster relief efforts worldwide as need arises.

3. Community Health Clinic and Services

I. Operate an affordable community-based clinic

We saw a need for a clinic that would minister to the health and physical needs of those in our community who were of low income, had no insurance, and had little or no hope of receiving the health care they needed for their families.

To achieve this objective, we will operate a community clinic that offers non-emergency primary care, which includes medical care. This will enable us to have greater impact on the quality of physical health care of the citizens of Gwinnett County and neighboring/surrounding counties. We will engage volunteers from many community organizations.

To support organizations, programs and initiatives that demonstrate potential for improving the health of our community such as preventive health screenings

II. Provide Community Health and Wellness Programs/Projects that target the following areas:

a. Prevention or early detection of diseases

– Provide Bi-annual Community-based Health and Wellness Fair open to the public offering free health, vision screenings such as blood pressure check, blood glucose check, cholesterol check, and more.

– Projects that provide community-based health screenings, projects that make healthy foods and beverages affordable, available, and the desired choice, projects that increase physical activity and healthy exercise habits

b. Improvements in the quality, availability and/or accessibility of health care services. For example, projects that increase the reach and impact of critical physical and behavioral health, projects that reduce unnecessary and/or excessive health care costs, projects that provide consumers the information and tools they need to manage their care, and make smart health decisions for themselves and their families, projects that address distance/transportation barriers to health care

c. Improvements in conditions that lead to, or outcomes that are the result of, health care disparities affecting the community. For example, projects in this category target the social, economic, and/or environmental factors that shape the health of people in the community. These include factors such as structural racism, employment, education, housing and neighborhood conditions.